with the motley...)
about two years ago someone at DC did a stupid and referred to
Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain as “toxic” characters in
reference to not allowing them to be used in a Smallville comic. They
could have gone with “We want to firmly re-establish Barbara Gordon
as the sole version of Batgirl for the time being and are not
pursuing the development of other characters who have embodied the
role” but instead they went with “toxic” and other people at DC
confirmed the quote and even agreed with the description.
of course, has changed. Steph is now a big presence in a tentpole
Batman series and Gail Simone has used Cassandra Cain (and the Steph
Brown Batgirl) in the Futures End issue of Batgirl. A few things need
to be mentioned about this before we move on. This issue was, of
course, Simone's last; it was set in a future that likely will never
be explored outside of the Futures End series; and Simone has already
made some other fanservice casting choices during her final arc like
slipping Misfit in for a single panel cameo. This might be nothing
more than a big author on her victory lap being allowed to slip in a
few fan-pleasing Easter eggs now there's no chance she'll try to
pursue them.
I think there are good reasons to reintroduce Cass to DC continuity
proper beyond mere fanservice. You see, Cass has a unique distinction
amongst female Bat-characters.
at the boys who help Batman: Alfred, Dick, Tim, Jason and Damian.
Bruce calls them family: his surrogate father and his adopted and
biological sons, they're an inner circle who have all lived at Wayne
Manor at one time or another and have always known Bruce's secret.
The female Gotham heroes (Barbara Gordon, Kate Kate, Helena
Bertinelli, Kathy Kane, Steph Brown, Renee Montoya) tend to be
independent operators with their own resources, to whom Bruce is at
least initially antagonistic and he doesn't usually reveal his
identity to them. Of that whole list I think only Barbara and Steph
know “the secret”, at least as far as I'm aware.

bring back Batman's only begotten daughter, is basically what I'm
are a couple of other angles that should be mentioned. Aside from
Batwing and absent Renee Montoya the Bat-books are rather short on
characters of colour these days. Also on the inclusivity side there's
the fact Cass has a disability, albeit an inconsistent one, being
either illiterate due to her upbringing or profoundly dyslexic
depending on who's writing her.
though, I want her back because she was really interesting me again
in the lead up to Flashpoint. She had a bad couple of years between
the end of her ongoing series and Batman Incorporated. First she was
a villain then there was a pretty bad limited series and then she was
just wandering the world off-panel after she gave Steph the Batgirl
identity. Then Batman Inc. happened and she became the Black Bat,
Batman's woman in Hong Kong. She turned up once or twice in Red
Robin, Batman
Incorporated and Gates
Of Gotham but we never really
got to see what sort of adventures she had on her own in her new
identity in her own city.
me pitch this to you. The Black Bat: a female Nightwing operating in
East Asia. Sells itself, doesn't it?
all seriousness, it felt like the character was going somewhere
again. Since I've already argued that Cass had the character
progression of a Robin instead of a Batgirl the next step for her is the inevitable change to a solo hero with her own identity like
Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin. But we never got it, we were just
teased with it and now she's in limbo halfway through a major,
necessary transformation and it strikes me as a massive missed
opportunity if nothing else.
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