God, am I seeing great chemistry between Tim Drake and Harper Row!
certainly helps that Eternal has taken the New 52 Tim and reverted
him to type just a little. Tim is one of those characters to me, we
all have them, who is so bound up in how I got into comics that I'm a
bit precious about him. Chuck Dixon's Robin wasn't the first series I
read but it was the first series I went looking for back issues and
collections of, the first time I learned to look for a creator's
name. I watched this character grow through Dixon's run, through
Young Justice, through Bill Willingham's run (look, we all make
mistakes) and then to become a truly spectacular solo act in the Red
Robin ongoing.

to this mix young Harper Row, future Robin-esque Bat-sidekick
(according to that Eternal teaser that interrupted Zero Year) who has
enforced her help on Tim the way Tim did to Batman back in the day.
Okay, that's not such a good description of Tim's new origin but the
New 52 is more about cultural memory than a literal chain of events
laid down by continuity. That's my theory and it helps to make the
New 52 a bit more palatable and comprehensible. She's also as
dedicated to her own area of social justice as he is, except her
focus is the poor of Gotham rather than the young of the world.
course, their mutual arrogance has placed the two of them in conflict
almost since the moment they met but Tim has something of a history
with stubborn women. Almost exclusively with stubborn women, now I
think about it, between Steph, Lynx, Wonder Girl and Tam Fox.
know, listing it out like that it occurs to me just how celibate
Tim's been since Flashpoint. I think the only time he's managed to
get any in the last three years was when he got possessed by Trigon
and fooled around with Solstice which... ugh, no.
I'm basically saying is this: we have two alpha-type personalities
who are techy, stubborn and arrogant and I really want to see the
sparks fly.
I've always liked Tim...probably the smartest of the Robins. But I haven't really been enjoying him all that much in Teen Titans, so I haven't been reading him much lately.
But he and Harper?
Tim's always been a favourite of mine, probably because I got into comics pretty much through his series.
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