Monday 7 August 2017

A Fantasy Renaissance

The last couple of months have seen me, for the first time in years, utterly obsessed with 40k. It has been at least three editions since I was any sort of regular player and I have probably played more games since 8th came out than I have in the last ten years. I adore the new ruleset.

Yesterday, though, our friend Iain came down from Scotland for a visit and he brought his Goblin army. I cracked out the Tomb Kings, Matt and Tom brought their Empire (Nordland and Nuln respectively). We played three games over the course of an afternoon and I remembered how much I adored the Fantasy game.

Which is good, since I want to spend my hobby time this month clearing the backlog of half-completed models and most of them are Fantasy models (with a few AoS for my Sylvaneth and Fyreslayers).

There are some techniques I want to test out that I have more excuse to test with Fantasy models. I want to try a white method that goes up through a grey base and Rakarth Flesh. Actually, a lot of the techniques I want to test out are based on using coloured base sprays to make effects easier.

I also painted a test Plaguebearer for my Death Guard and, I must say, I have missed painting “natural” colours where you can be an awful lot sketchier than lacquered armour. Drybrushing is my friend. After all these years I feel confident I will never have a steady enough hand for line highlighting.

At the end of the day this is all about improving my skills: new techniques, working smarter and faster, finding shortcuts that lead to the same or better results. 

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