this one wasn't my idea, exactly. As is evident from past hobby posts
I have searched for years in vain for a motivational method to keep
me focused on painting. I've tried targets, I've tried doing A Tale
Of One Gamer (Dwarfs were not as inspiring as I'd hoped) and other
methods too boring to list and pretty much gave up on the idea.
my friend Matt and I read the Humbling Of Settra scenario in White
Dwarf #30. The idea is simple: Nagash on his own versus the opposing
player's entire Tomb Kings collection.

an added spur to work I'm going to set myself some rewards for the
first few milestones. Another friend of mine does this and his method
is that he likes tanks, he loves tanks so when he finishes a
big infantry unit he'll reward himself with a tank. I like
centrepiece miniatures, I like doing a real production number on
something flashy so here are my rewards, my presents to myself:
points completed: I get to paint my Ushabti. I love Ushabti and the
original great weapon ones look beautiful in Finecast.
points: The Necrosphinx, a beautiful centrepiece. I'm thinking a jade
effect for the body.
points: A couple of years ago Matt made me a custom “Scorpion”
Warsphinx for my birthday: a mash-up of Necrosphinx and the
Arachnarok Spider from the Orcs & Goblins range. Definitely
something I should paint up now I have reason and some idea of how I
want to colour it.
points: At this stage I get to buy a Nagash model of my very own.
set further rewards if I exceed these targets but that should be more
than enough to be getting on with.
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