in answer to a Facebook challenge from my erstwhile editor Saranga I
was given an artist and asked to pick a piece of their work and talk
about them. She assigned me Norman Rockwell and I thought "Well,
this is dead easy, I'll do The Four Freedoms!" but instead I
stumbled upon this in researching his more political art, "The
Problem We All Live With" from 1964.
is perhaps best known for his depictions of "everyday"
American life, stereotypical scenes of middle class families gathered
around the table for thanksgiving dinner and the like. This
conservative image is only enhanced by works like The Four Freedoms,
a series of four posters based on FDR's 1941 State of the Union
speech. The Four Freedoms is even used in modern school textbooks
(here and in the US) as an example of Allied propaganda but the label
erases the fact that Rockwell didn't do it on commission: it was a
considered political reaction on his part as is "The Problem We
All Live With". So let's set the scene...
1964. Less than a year ago Martin Luther King Jr declared that he had
a dream and in a few months the Salma Voting Rights march on the
capital will end with police brutally beating peaceful equal rights
demonstrators after guaranteeing free and unmolested passage, Rosa
Parks and the bus boycott she inspired were a decade ago and yet the
US Supreme Court has only just ordered the desegregation of public
schools be mandatory.
brings us to The Problem We Live With depicting a young black girl in
a simple cotton dress carrying a book, the most elementary symbol of
education, surrounded by white Federal Marshals. Rockwell depicts the
girl in realistic terms, eschewing even the barest hint of the
affectionate caricature his creations usually carry about the face.
The Marshals escorting her (and, yes, this really did happen in many
towns for the childrens' own protection) are faceless entities
operating above the child's head and even above the frame of the
picture on a level she likely doesn't fully comprehend. Behind her a
cracked and decayed wall, old and damaged, bears the slur "NIGGER",
a Ku Klux Klan tag and a stain from a thrown tomato: the sentiment
and physical actions of those opposing desegregation here are allied
with the physical ugliness of urban decay.
a related note, Rockwell
is also responsible for one of the more striking images of Rosie the
Riveter. Not the iconic Rosie with her head scarf and flexed arm but
an altogether more realistic one where Rosie has dirty skin, a
less-idealised physique and a nice big workman's sandwich in her
hand. Far from being a caricaturist or an unthinking propagandist for
the American Dream, Rockwell was immensely invested in the material
reality of his country: the faceless government, the innocent child,
what sort of physical shape a woman would have to be in to operate a
riveting gun eight hours a day. It's in this observational reality
that his work had, and still has, real power.

It should come as no
surprise, given the previous content of this post, that both Speight
and Mitchell were left wing (Speight a liberal, Mitchell a literally
card-carrying member of the British Communist Party) and that the
whole project was aimed at highlighting the absurd and repugnant
nature of the views Alf Garnett was used to convey.
Very nice. Your television character sounds a lot like Archie Bunker...a character created to be mocked, but whom became incredibly popular. Of course, all the characters on "All in the Family" were mockable...yet very human.
I like Norman Rockwell actually. Yes, he can be a bit saccharine, and a little too folksy, but he didn't flinch from painting uncomfortable work either.
I like Rockwell, I had to do a school project on his wartime work when I was about 15.
As to Archie Bunker, he's the same guy as it turns out, All In The Family was the US version of Till Death Do Us Part. I looked up some clips, I think All In The Family might actually be a bit better than the original.
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