it turns out that in addition to the
female-led Ghostbusters reboot Sony Pictures have greenlit a male-led
Ghostbusters film as well as starting a new production company called
Ghostcorps to oversee future film, TV and merchandising projects for
the franchise. Sony wants to make a shared universe out of this idea
because shared universes are the big thing now Marvel-Disney have
proved it can makes stacks of cash through mutual marketing
and consolidating audiences.
could work, I'm perfectly
open to the idea of this working but I'm dubious. It isn't the Sony
thing. Sure, they failed to make the shared universe thing work with
The Amazing Spider-Man but those weren't films they wanted to make.
They actually seem interested in Ghostbusters so I have somewhat
higher hopes.
its that nothing in Ghostbusters screams “shared universe” to me.
I'm interested to see how the old “four funny dudes start a
business, hilarity ensues plus ghosts” formula works with modern
comediennes and I can't deny a straight-up reboot would interest me
too but what else is there?
the shared universe thing works for comicbook movies is obvious, its
been part of their native format for over seventy years. The only
barrier to doing it in film was getting all the rights under one
roof, which only makes it stranger Marvel got there first but that's
a rant for another day. Marvel and DC have pre-existing shared
universes and literally thousands of discrete intellectual properties
under their direct ownership. Even Fox and Sony's third party
agreements aren't hurting for spin-off material.
are certainly properties outside comics that would lend themselves to
this approach. Universal tried to revive their old monster movie
franchise as a shared universe a few years back. The Expendables
movies are really just applying the same logic to the whole 80s
action movie genre after the fact instead of building the thing from
the ground up. Star Trek could probably afford to diversify a bit
more given how much source material there is to work from and Star
Wars actually will have stand-alone movies between “proper”
Episodes for similar reasons.

course, new characters are being created for this franchise. If
nothing else I imagine feminising the name Egon would be a challenge.
The lack of natural alternative angles is more of a problem: the
franchise has always taken place in a quasi-realistic world where the
only divergence from the viewers' reality is the presence of ghosts
and they're not even common enough that people stop being sceptical
about their existence. That's the whole point of the original movies:
it works exactly like any other comedy about starting a small
neighbourhood business except that the business they're starting is
the weirdest one imaginable.
want to be giving the benefit of the doubt here but the state of
original thought in big budget movies right now is... not ideal. This
is absolutely part of the pattern these days of studios grabbing any
famous brand that isn't nailed down. They can't really be blamed for
this, its what pays their bills right now and they've lost good money
betting on people watching quality original movies, Scott Pilgrim Vs.
The World being the unjustifiable flop that most immediately springs
to mind.
yes, a film that is a genuine pop culture icon gets the reboot and
the instant thought now is “franchise” whether or not the source
material really supports it. It may do, as I say, I have no insight
into this but it seems a very long shot to go shared universe when
normally you'd expect them to just announce a trilogy pending box
office numbers. On that subject, it might not even happen, the first
film is still months away from shooting.
nothing else this offers and interesting limit case scenario for the
whole shared universe concept.
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