have to say that I like these ebook How To Paint guides a lot more
than the paper ones. The stage-by-stage images are a lot easier to
follow when you can press the “next” button and the image changes
before your very eyes. In the paper version its more like a comic
strip and sometimes the subtler effects can be a bit hard to
distinguish, especially since layering is used to describe about five
separate techniques.
the purchase is paying off. Although the guide seems convinced the
Citadel Spray Gun was a good idea it didn't take me long to work out
what base paints to use since my spray gun went in the bin months
Week Hobby Challenge
so my second attempt to complete a unit in a week resulted in a
second failure so let's streamline this down a bit. Its 40k's turn on
the Challenge so I'm going to paint my copy of Kaptin Badrukk, aka my
Ork Warlord Kaptin Thunderguts Snarla.
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