I pre-ordered Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor Box Set from Big Finish
because I am honestly interested in seeing what they do with Adric. I
took a moment to think about it and realised my expectations were
actually really, really high.

isn't to say the character is completely unloved, every companion is
someone's favourite, but I can't imagine many people were clamouring
for his return.
why am I looking forward to this box set? It sounds like a trainwreck
on paper. Well, two reasons. Firstly I'm only paying £20 for it and
at £2.50 an episode I can't feel too swindled if it turns out badly.
Secondly, Big Finish have worked miracles with... well, not worse
characters precisely, but similarly poorly received ones.
made me like Mel, after all, who on television no defining character
traits and a professional background that was used a grand total of
once (and for a line that made no sense). The same company managed to
redeem Colin Baker's Doctor, not just by giving him material that
allowed him to act but rehabilitating his relationship with Peri.
They even gave Steven Taylor a personality beyond “action man”
and “delivering William Hartnell's lines when he's ill”.
can at least be assured that Matthew Waterhouse's acting has
improved. Big Finish have done two Dark Shadows audios with him
already so they aren't using him sight-unseen. So all that's left is
to wait until August and see what they've done with Adric's
the sticking point, isn't it? There isn't much to work with: he's
good at maths, which is a bit abstract; he's awkward with girls; he's
a bit easily influenced. Not much to work with but I look forward to
seeing what they manage to get out of it.
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